Kamil Zágoršek (TUL Repo)
Staff member: Technická univerzita v Liberci
Staff member: Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
učo: 542
Článek v odborném periodiku
RAMALHO, Laís, Vladimir TÁVORA, Kevin TILBROOK and Kamil ZÁGORŠEK. New species of Hippopleurifera (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from the Miocene Pirabas Formation, Pará state, Brazil. Zootaxa. 2015, vol. 3999, No 1, p. 125-134. ISSN 1175-5326. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3999.1.8.
ZÁGORŠEK, Kamil. Palaeobiography of selected taxa of Miocene Bryozoa. Hantkeniana. 2015, vol. 2015, No 10, p. 125-134. ISSN 1219-3933.
ZÁGORŠEK, Kamil, Reishi TAKASHIMA and Masato HIROSE. Palaeoenvironment of a monospecific association of a new bryozoan species, Schizoretepora tamagawensis sp. n. (Phidoloporidae, Bryozoa), from the Miocene Tanosawa Formation, Northern Japan. Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen. 2015, vol. 275, No 1, p. 115-123. ISSN 0077-7749.
ZÁGORŠEK, Kamil, Dennis GORDON and Norbert VÁVRA. Revision of Chlidoniopsidae Harmer, (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) including a description of Celiopsis vici gen. and sp. nov. Journal of Paleontology. 2015, vol. 89, No 01, p. 140-147. ISSN 0022-3360.
ZÁGORŠEK, Kamil, Laís RAMALHO, Bjorn BERNING and Vladimir TÁVORA. A new genus of the family Jaculinidae (Cheilostomata, Bryozoa) from the Miocene of the tropical western Atlantic. Zootaxa. 2014, vol. 3838, No 1, p. 098-112. ISSN 1175-5326.
BITNER, Maria, Kamil ZÁGORŠEK, Eva HALÁSOVÁ, Natalia HUDÁČKOVÁ and Michal JAMRICH. Brachiopods and bryozoans from the Sandberg section (Vienna Basin, Central Paratethys) and their significance for environmental interpretation of the Early Sarmatian (= Middle Miocene) Sea. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 2014, vol. 273, No 2, p. 207-219. ISSN 0077-7749.
HLADILOVÁ, Šárka, Slavomír NEHYBA, Kamil ZÁGORŠEK, Pavla TOMANOVÁ-PETROVÁ, Aleksandra BITNER and A. DEMENY. Early Badenian transgression on the outer flank of Western Carpathian Foredeep, Hluchov area, Czech Republic. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. 2014, vol. 3, No 84, p. 259-279. ISSN 0208-9068.
FILIPESCU, S., A. MICLEA, M. GROSS, M. HARZHAUSER, Kamil ZÁGORŠEK and C. JIPA. Early Sarmatian paleoenvironments in the easternmost Pannonian Basin (Borod Depression, Romania) restored from micropaleontological data. Geologica Carpathica. Bratislava: Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2014, vol. 65, No 1, p. 67-81. ISSN 1335-0552.
ŽÍTT, J., R. VODRÁŽKA and Kamil ZÁGORŠEK. New observations on the holopodid crinoid genus Cyathidium Steenstrup from the lower Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic. Cretaceous Research. 2014, vol. 51, September 2014, p. 56-69. ISSN 0195-6671.
ZÁGORŠEK, Kamil and Dennis GORDON. Revision of the Oligocene bryozoan taxa described by Stoliczka (1862), with the description of a new genus of Bryocryptellidae. Geodiversitas. 2014, vol. 36, No 4, p. 541-564, 25 pp. ISSN 1638-9395. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.5252/g2014n4a3.
DOLÁKOVÁ, N., K. HOLCOVÁ, S. NEHYBA, S. HLADILOVÁ, R. BRZOBOHATY, Kamil ZÁGORŠEK, J. HRABOVSKY, M. SEKO and T. UTESCHER. The Badenian parastratotype at Zidlochovice from the perspective of the multiproxy study. Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen. 2014, vol. 271, No 2, p. 169-201. ISSN 0077-7749. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0077-7749/2014/0383.
ERNST, A., P. KRAFT and Kamil ZÁGORŠEK. Trepostome bryozoans from the Zahořany Formation (Upper Ordovician) of Loděnice, Prague Basin, Czech Republic. Paleontologishe Zeitschrift. 2014, vol. 88, No 1, p. 11-26. ISSN 0031-0220.
BITNER, Maria, Kamil ZÁGORŠEK and Šárka HLADILOVÁ. Deep-water brachiopod assemblage from the Middle Miocene of Kralice nad Oslavou, Moravia, southeastern Czech Republic. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 2013, vol. 12, No 2, p. 81-89. ISSN 1631-0683.
ZÁGORŠEK, Kamil and D P GORDON. Late Tortonian bryozoans from Mut Basin, Central Anatolian Plateau, southern Turkey. Acta Paleontologica Polonica. 2013, vol. 58, No 3, p. 595-607. ISSN 0567-7920.