EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ, MLADE2E A TĚLOVÝCHOVY Název projektu Rozvoj vzdělávání na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě Registrační číslo projektu CZ.02.2.69/0.0./0.0/16_015/0002400 Praktická cvičení 5 Distanční studijní text Mgr. Marie Machničová Opava 2019 SLEZSKA UNIVERZITA F1L0ZOFICKO-PŘÍ RODOVĚDECKÁ FAKULTA V OPAVĚ 2 Obor: 0231 Osvojování si jazyka Klíčová slova: Gramatika, slovní zásoba, poslech s porozuměním, čtení s porozuměním, psaní, mluvení, jazykové kompetence, jazykové dovednosti. Anotace: Studijní opora Praktická cvičení 5 obsahuje distanční studijní text pro předměty Praktická cvičení 5. Tento předmět spadá do skupiny povinných předmětů studijního oboru Angličtina pro odbornou praxi. Praktická cvičení 5 jsou zaměřena na systematický a všestranný rozvoj jazykových kompetencí a na praktickou aplikaci komunikativních dovedností pro pokročilé mluvčí anglického jazyka (úroveň Cl Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky). Studenti si ve cvičeních upevní a prohloubí znalost anglické gramatiky, rozšíří si slovní zásobu a procvičí si výslovnost. Důraz bude kladen jak na receptivní dovednosti - poslech a čtení s porozuměním, tak na produktivní dovednosti -mluvení a psaní. Praktická cvičení 5 jsou založena na lekcích 5 - 8 učebnice Cambridge English Advanced Result Student s Book Cambridge English Advanced Result Workbook. Kromě látky z učebnice a pracovního sešitu jsou studentům také poskytnuty externí webové odkazy, prověřená online cvičení z webové stránky Oxford University Press Cambridge English: Advanced Online Practice. Tato studijní opora je rozdělena do čtyř hlavních kapitol, které korespondují se čtyřmi kapitolami učebnice a pracovního sešitu a jsou probrány v rámci 13 výukových týdnů jednoho semestru. Autor: Mgr. Marie Machnicovä Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 Obsah ÚVODEM............................................................................................................................8 RYCHLÝ NÁHLED STUDIJNÍ OPORY...........................................................................9 1 UNIT 5 - HEALTH MATTERS...............................................................................10 1.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening Practice..........................................................10 1.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice............................................12 1.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................13 2 UNIT 6 - WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT?..................................................................14 2.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening Practice..........................................................14 2.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice............................................16 2.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................17 3 UNIT 7 - TRACES OF THE PAST..........................................................................19 3.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice..........................................................19 3.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice............................................21 3.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................22 4 UNIT 8 - THE BIG ISSUES.....................................................................................25 4.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice..........................................................26 4.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice............................................28 4.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................29 LITERATURA..................................................................................................................31 SHRNUTÍ STUDIJNÍ OPORY.........................................................................................32 PŘEHLED DOSTUPNÝCH IKON...................................................................................33 6 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 1 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 ÚVODEM Tato studijní opora se skládá z distančního textu a LMS kurzu a je nedílnou součástí kurzu Praktická cvičení 5. Požadovaná úroveň pro absolvování tohoto kurzu je Cl dle Evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky. Studenti, kteří se rozhodnou tento kurz absolvovat by měli mít komunikační dovednosti na úrovni Cl, stejně tak jako dobré znalosti gramatiky, slovní zásoby a řečových dovedností, které tuto úroveň charakterizují. Studenti mohou tuto studijní oporu využít během kurzu Praktická cvičení 5 jako podpůrný text, nebo jako distanční text, který nahrazuje přímou výuku v hodinách. LMS kurz na e-learningové platformě Moodle nabízí studentům rozšiřující gramatická cvičení a aktivity pro rozvoj jazykových dovedností a obsahují také test s klíčem, který slouží jako opakování a zpětná vazba studentům. Tato studijní opora je tvořena čtyřmi kapitolami, které se shodují se čtyřmi kapitolami učebnice Cambridge English Advanced Result Student's Book a Workbook. Každá kapitola je pak rozdělena do třech tematických celků, využívá velké množství distančních prvků (rychlý náhled, hlavní text kapitoly, klíčová slova, kontrolní otázka, odpověď, samostatný úkol, body k zapamatování, definice, zpětná vazba, domácí úkol, případové studie, atd.) a obsahuje odkazy na další rozšiřující studium, na online cvičení a doporučenou literaturu k dalšímu studiu anglického jazyka na této úrovni. 8 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 RYCHLÝ NÁHLED STUDIJNÍ OPORY Předmět je zaměřen na systematický a všestranný rozvoj jazykové kompetence a na praktickou aplikaci komunikativních dovednosti pro pokročilé mluvčí angličtiny (úroveň Cl Společného evropského referenčního rámce). Studenti si ve cvičeních upevní a prohloubí znalost anglické gramatiky, rozšíří slovní zásobu a procvičí výslovnost. Důraz bude kladen na poslech a mluvení. Hodiny budou založeny na lekcích 5-8 učebnice Cambridge English Advanced Result. Sylabuspředmětu: 1. Unit 5: Lead In. Reading: multiple choice. Vocabulary: health and fitness. 2. Unit 5: Grammar: direct and indirect speech. Listening: multiple choice. Speaking. 3. Unit 5: Use of English: word formation. Vocabulary: word formation (1). Writing: an essay. 4. Unit 6: Lead in. Reading: multiple matching. Vocabulary: verbs of moving and looking. 5. Unit 6: Grammar: modals. Listening: multiple matching. Speaking. 6. Unit 6: Use of English: multiple-choice cloze, key word transformation. Vocabulary: Expressions with right and left. Writing: A review. 7. Unit 7: Lead in. Reading: cross-text multiple matching. Vocabulary: phrasal verbs with off and in. 8. Unit 7: Grammar: reduced clauses. Listening: sentence completion. Speaking. 9. Unit 7: Use of English: word formation. Vocabulary: word formation (2). Writing: a proposal. 10. Unit 8: Lead in. Reading: multiple choice. Vocabulary: big issues. 11. Unit 8: Grammar: conditionals. Listening: multiple choice. Speaking. 12. Unit 8: Use of English: multiple choice cloze. Vocabulary: Expressions with end. Writing: an informal letter or email. 13. Revise and check 5-8. Povinná literatura: Davies. P. and Falla, T. (2015). Cambridge English Advanced Result. Student's Book. Oxford: OUP. Stephens, M. and Gude, C. (2014). Cambridge English Advanced Result. Workbook. Oxford: OUP. Doporučená literatura: Hewings, M. (2013). Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge: CUP. Yulle, G. (2008). Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced. Oxford: OUP. 9 unit 5 - Health matters 1 UNIT 5 - HEALTH MATTERS QUICK OVERVIEW In this unit, we will discuss health problems and fitness issues; the reading section brings an article about Ranulph Fiennes and his health obsession. You will revise and practise adjectives and negative prefixes, word formation, direct and indirect speech and indirect questions. You will develop and improve your listening skill by completing multiple choice exercise and speaking skill when talking about things that people can do to stay fit and healthy. You will also have a look at rules of writing an essay. AIMS In the Lead in section, you will discuss health matters and tips on how to stay fit and healthy. In the article called An Unhealthy Obsession, you will read about an explorer Ranulph Fiennes and complete multiple choice reading. The Grammar section brings the revision and practice of direct and indirect speech. In the Vocabulary section, you will learn about words connected to health and fitness and adjectives and negative prefixes. The double page of Use of English section concentrates on word formation exercises. In the Writing section, you will learn about the form and content of an essay. KEYWORDS Health, obsessions, direct and indirect speech, adjectives with negative prefixes, word formation, an essay. 1.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening Practice SB p. 57: Lead in: Health matters - read the ten simple ways to get fit in ex. 1 and in pairs, complete the tasks in ex. 2 and 3. Check with the whole class. SB p. 58-59: Reading: An unhealthy obsession - work in pairs and discuss the questions in ex. 1. Read the text quickly to get the general sense as it is stated in the tip box below, then follow the instructions in ex. 3 and complete the multiple choice reading. 10 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 Compare your answers with your partner and check them with a tutor. Work in pairs and discuss the statement in ex. 4 with your partner. POINTS TO REMEMBER - MULTIPLE CHOICE READING Read the text quickly for general meaning. Read the questions or stem but not the options. Find the part of the text that relates to the question; remember, the questions are in order. Read the options and eliminate any that are clearly wrong. Choose the option that answers the question fully and accurately. Make sure that all the information is correct in the option you choose. SB p. 62: Listening: look at the photographs and discuss the questions in ex. 1 with a partner. In ex. 2, read the questions and listen to the three different extracts, listen again and choose the best option, compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. Work in small groups and discuss the questions in ex. 3. SB p. 63: Speaking: Part 3 and 4: work in pairs, see the diagram and try to answer the questions in ex. 1. In ex. 2, listen to the audio and complete the missing questions in the diagram. In ex. 3 and 4. In ex. 5, listen to the instructions for the second part of the task and answer the question. Work in pairs and complete the tasks in ex. 6 and 7, paying attention to the how to do it box below. POINTS TO REMEMBER - SPEAKING PART 3 AND 4 Quickly correct any mistakes, but don't interrupt your flow of talking. Don't give one-word answers; try to develop the discussion as much as possible. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 30-31: Reading: Limits of the human body: multiple choice reading practice. WB p. 34: Listening: multiple choice listening practice. 11 unit 5 - Health matters 1.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p. 60: Vocabulary: words connected to health and fitness. Work individually and complete the tasks in all three exercises, then compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. SB p. 60-61: Grammar: Direct and indirect speech: read the Grammar reference on p. 173-175, paying attention to tense changes, modal verbs, other changes, questions and summarising and reporting verbs. Work individually and rewrite the statements in ex. 1, compare your answers with a partner and discuss the questions in ex. 2. Again on your own, complete the tasks in ex. 3-9, comparing your answers with your partner and/or with a tutor, paying attention to reporting verbs, reported questions, using correct verb forms, expressions connected to time, place and people, personal pronouns and adverbs. SB p. 64: Use of English: Part 3 - word formation: read the text quickly and choose the best heading, read the tip box, the text again, paying attention to parts of speech, grammatical-lexical meaning, spelling and grammar and complete the word formation exercise, compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. See the tip box below. POINTS TO REMEMBER- WORD FORMATION _ Decide what parts of speech you need. You may need to form words with negative meanings, or plurals. You many need to make more than one change to the word given. Check your spelling carefully. Read your completed text for overall sense. SB p. 65: Vocabulary: word formation: change the forms of the words in ex. 1 and fill in different parts of speech in ex. 2, discuss the table with your partner, paying attention to different spelling, word stress, etc. In ex. 4, write different adjectives ending in -able and add prefixes to word in ex. 4 to give an opposite meaning, compare your answers with a partner, discuss them with a tutor as a whole class and use them to talk about things that have recently happened to you. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 32: Vocabulary: words connected to the body, word formation practice WB p. 33: Grammar: Direct speech, grammar extra: prefixes WB p. 35: Use of English: word formation practice 12 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 1.3 Writing practice SB p. 66-67: Writing: An essay - work in pairs and discuss the questions in ex. 1. Follow the instructions in ex. 2 and underline the key points in the texts. In ex. 3, decide with a partner which of the statements are true or false. COMPREHENSION CHECK Do the unit 5 review - SB p. 68, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To practise direct and indirect speech, indirect questions and reporting in general, have a look at unit 12 Reporting in Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced • To practise vocabulary connected to health and fitness, have a look at unit 54 in English Vocabulary in Use Advanced. To practise adjectives and negative prefixes, have a look at unit 86 of the same book. • To practise word formation, have a look at http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/advanced-word-formation.php UNIT 5 SUMMARY In the first unit of this Cambridge English Advanced course, you have improved your communicative skills when talking about personality traits and practised some character adjectives connected to this topic. You have practised reading skill in an article on different personalities. You have revised all the tenses and practised word formation. You have also learned the form and content of formal letters and emails. 13 Unit 6 - Would you believe it? 2 UNIT 6-WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? QUICK OVERVIEW In unit 6, you will develop your speaking skill when discussing what you believed as a child and now know is not true. You are going to read about superheroes and you will discuss what superpowers you would like to have. In the language section, you will revise the system of modals in English and learn vocabulary connected to verbs of moving and looking and expressions with right and left. You will also learn how to write review. AIMS In the Lead in section, you will discuss things you believed as a child that you now know are not true and complete the sentences with true and false. In the Reading section, you will read about superheroes and complete a multiple matching reading comprehension. In the Vocabulary section, you will learn and practise verbs connected to moving and looking, the Grammar section introduces and practises the system of modal verbs in English and the Use of English section brings another multiple-choice cloze. In the skills section, you will listen to a radio programme about a singer called Beyonce and complete multiple matching listening and the Speaking section practises Part 2 of the oral exam and you will talk about pictures and practise making decisions and giving reasons. In the Writing section, you will learn about the form and content of a review. KEYWORDS Superpowers, superheroes, verbs of moving and looking, expressions with left and right, modals, multiple matching listening, Part 2 speaking, a review. 2.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening Practice SB p. 69: Lead in: Would you believe it? Work in pairs and discuss the statements in ex. 1, check your answers on p. 153. Work individually and complete the sentences in ex. 2 with false or true, compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. 14 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 Work in pairs again, discuss the questions in ex. 3 and present your opinion to the whole class. SB p. 70-71: Reading: work in pairs and discuss the questions in ex. 1. Work individually and read the text called Superheroes and complete the multiple matching reading comprehension in ex. 2, paying attention to the tip box below. Compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor, noting down any unknown vocabulary and phrases from the text. Work in pairs and discuss the meaning of the phrases from the text in ex. 3. Still in pairs, answer the questions in ex. 4 with a partner and try to be as imaginative as possible. Share your ideas with a whole class. POINTS TO REMEMBER- MULTIPLE MATCHING READING Try concentrating on one section at a time and finding which questions refer to that. It may be quicker than skimming through A-D for every question. SB p. 74: Listening: Part 4 - multiple matching - have a look at the photo and discuss the questions in ex. 1 with a partner. In ex. 2, listen to part of a radio programme and complete the tasks. Compare your answers with a partner. Read the tip box below, listen to five short extracts in ex. 3 and complete the multiple matching listening comprehension. After listening twice, compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. In ex. 4, talk to your partner about any occasions when you think artists should lip-synch. POINTS TO REMEMBER- MULTIPLE MATCHING LISTENING Remember that questions 1-5 and 6-10 refer to the same five speakers, so scan across both tasks while you listen. SB p. 75: Speaking: Part 2 - match the phrases in ex. 1 with the photos and discuss the tasks in ex. 2 with your partner, remember to give reasons for your answers. With a partner, each choose a pair of photos, use a stopwatch and talk for one minute each, answering the questions in ex. 3. Remember to read the tip box below before completing the task. POINTS TO REMEMBER- SPEAKING PART2 Remember that in the exam you will be give three photographs. You must choose two and talk about them. 15 Unit 6 - Would you believe it? INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 36-37: Reading: Can girls be superheroes? - multiple matching reading practice. WB p. 40: Listening: multiple matching listening practice. 2.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p. 72: Vocabulary: Verbs with moving and looking - work with a partner and decide which word in each group in not a verb of movement. Complete the task in ex. 2 individually and discuss them with a partner. Read the dictionary entry in ex. 3 and discuss it with a whole class. Check your answers with a tutor. SB p. 72-73: Grammar: Modals: read the Grammar reference on p. 175-176, paying attention to modal verbs expressing ability: can/could/able to, permission: can/could, possibility: might/may, necessity: need (to), obligation: must/have to, advice and recommendation: should/ought to, assumptions/deductions: must be/can't be, must have/can't have. Work individually and underline the modal verbs in ex. 1 and match them with their functions, you can do this with your partner if you need help, same applies to ex. 2 where you are supposed to look at the picture and make assumptions and deductions, you can check your guesses on p. 73. Try to complete the tasks in ex. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 individually if you feel confident when it comes to modals or in pairs if you need more time or little help. Check your answers with a tutor, in case of any questions or problematic issues, ask your tutor for deeper explanations, tips on further studies. Should you need more practice of modals outside the course book, see the Extras at the end of this unit. SB p. 76: Use of English: Part 1 - multiple-choice cloze, Part 4 - key word transformation. Work in pairs and discuss the task in ex. 1, read the newspaper article called The left-handed burger and complete the task in ex. 2 and multiple-choice cloze in ex. 3. Compare your answers with your partner and check them with a tutor. SB p. 77: Vocabulary: Expressions with right and left - work in pairs and discuss the meaning of the expressions with right in ex. 1. Match the expressions with left in ex. 2 with the most suitable sentence in ex. 2. And look up left and right in the dictionary and find as many idioms as possible. Which one has more? How many new rods can find that derive from each one? You can do this as a whole class activity, you can play a game or a quiz with your partner or you can prepare short presentations for your classmates. 16 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 38: Vocabulary: words connected to truth and lies, words with similar meaning, meanings of hold - extra vocabulary practice. WB p. 39: Grammar: Modals practice. WB p. 41: Use of English: multiple-choice cloze practice. 2.3 Writing practice SB p. 78-79: Writing: a review: talk about your favourite website with your partner and then discuss the tasks in ex. 2. Read the text individually and complete the writing task in ex. 3. Work in pairs and complete the tasks in ex. 4, 5, 6 and 7. Work individually, read the tip box below and write your answer to the exam task in ex. 8. POINTS TO REMEMBER- WRITING A REVIEW Read the task carefully. Make notes for all the points you must include. Make sure the information you give is clear and concise. Engage your readers by using an interesting range of vocabulary and structures. COMPREHENSION CHECK Do the unit 6 review - SB p. 80, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To learn and practise more vocabulary connected to modality, have a look at unit 70 in English Vocabulary in Use Advanced. • To practise English modal verbs, have a look at the entire unit 3 in Oxford Grammar Practice. 17 Unit 6 - Would you believe it? 2 UNIT 6 SUMMARY In this unit, you have developed your communicative skills when speaking about things you believed as a child and when expressing facts, opinions and desires, and writing a review of a popular website. You have revised the system of English modal verbs, practised verbs connected to moving and looking and learned new expressions with true, false, right and left. When it comes to skills, you have practised a multiple matching listening exercises and a Part 2 speaking. COMPREHENSION CHECK- REVIEW UNITS 4-6 WB p. 42-43: Review units 4-6: complete the 10 exercises reviewing and revising other three units from this Cambridge English Advanced course. Bear in mind that unit 4 was the last unit dealt with in the Practical Language 4 course, so take this as an opportunity to revise and connect this language course to the previous one. The key will be given to you by a tutor. 18 Mgr. Márie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 3 UNIT 7 - TRACES OF THE PAST QUICK OVERVIEW This unit is all about remembering the past, you will discuss various periods of history, focusing on art, buildings, medicine, technology and knowledge of the world. You will read an article about a book A Short History of Nearly Everything, listen to a local historian talking about shipwrecks in a place in south-west England called The Lizard. Language wise, you will revise and practise reduced clauses, phrasal verbs with off and in and a word formation exercises. You will also learn about the form and content of a proposal. AIMS In the Lead in section, you will discuss different periods of history and describe pictures connected to them, in the Reading section, you will read an article called A Short History of Nearly Everything where four reviewers comment on best-selling book ad complete a cross-text multiple matching reading comprehension. In the language section, you will revise and practise reduced clauses, learn and practise phrasal verbs with off and in and practise word formation exercises. In the skills section, you will practise sentence completion listening and a Part 2 speaking. In the Writing section, you will learn about the form and content of a proposal. KEYWORDS Reduced clauses, phrasal verbs with off and in, word formation, Part 2 speaking, sentence completion listening, cross-text multiple matching reading, a competition entry. 3.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice SB p. 81: Lead in: Traces of the past - work in pairs and discuss different period of our history, thinking about the aspects such as art, buildings or technology as it is stated in ex. 1. Still in pairs, complete all the tasks on this page, take it in turns and present some facts, your opinions and general knowledge of the world to your partner and later discuss them with the whole class. 19 unit 7 - Traces of the past SB p. 82-83: Reading: read the article called A Short History of Nearly Everything and answer the question in ex. 1. In ex. 2, have a look at the tip box below and read four book reviews again and complete the cross-text multiple matching reading, compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. Work in pairs and discuss the meaning of the phrases from the text and check your answers with a whole class. POINTS TO REMEMBER- CROSS-TEXT MULTIPLE MATCHING READING Use the questions to decide "how" to read, e.g. if the question mentions an opinion or point from one particular text (q.2 and q.4) highlight the relevant section in that text and then look for similar content in the other texts. SB p. 86: Listening: sentence completion, in ex. 1, work individually and try to think of words or phrases with similar meanings to the underlined words from the text, you can use your dictionary or discuss the words with your partner. Read the task in ex. 2 and a tip box below and listen to a historian talking about shipwrecks in south-west England and complete the listening comprehension exercise. POINTS TO REMEMBER- SENTENCE COMPLETION LISTENING Remember that answers are no longer than three words in the exam. Write a word or short phrase heard in the audio to complete gaps in sentences. This exercise tests your understanding of specific information and stated opinion. SB p. 86-87: Speaking Part 2 - In the speaking section you will familiarize yourself with phrases such as battle re-enactment, medieval manuscripts, archaeological excavations. Work in pairs and discuss the photographs and mainly what you might be asked to talk about in the exam. Work individually and match the phrases in ex. 2 with the photos. Work with a different partner and try to discuss the questions in ex. 3, then go back to your partner and compare your answers. Bearing in mind your conclusions in ex. 3, work in pairs, each choose one set of photos, use a stopwatch and try to complete the speaking task in ex. 4, take it in turns and try to comment on your partner's photographs, allowing each of you 30 seconds to answer the question in ex. 5. POINTS TO REMEMBER- SPEAKING PART2 _ In the exam you will be given three photos. You must choose two to talk about. Begin talking immediately and keep talking for a full minute. Speak clearly enough for both examiners to hear you. When commenting on your partner's photographs you can choose 20 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 any of the three photos to talk about. However, selecting the photo your partner did not choose may give you the opportunity to say something different. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 44-45: Reading - Afield in England: a film review - cross-text multiple matching reading practice. WB p. 48: Listening - sentence completion listening practice. 3.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p. 84: Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with off and in, try completing ex. 1 and 2 individually, then compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. In ex. 3, work in pairs, use a dictionary and look up the different meanings of the phrasal verbs given to you in this exercise. Discuss the differences and interesting points with the whole class. SB p. 84-85: Grammar: Reduced clauses - read the Grammar reference on p. 177, paying attention to the situations when we usually use reduced relative clauses: to simplify sentences, in written dialogues, to talk about two things happening at the same time, to talk about two actions that happen within a short time period and to imply a reason. Work in pairs and match the reduced clauses in ex. 1 with their functions. In ex. 2, work individually and rewrite the information using reduced clauses, compare your answers with a partner and discuss them with a whole class. Try to complete the tasks in ex. 3 and 4 individually, revising and practising present and past participles. Work in pairs and try to complete the tasks in ex. 5 and 6, check your answers with a tutor, paying attention to using correct present and past participles. You can do ex. 7 as an individual assignment at home or as a class activity, but remember to check your answers with an answer key or your tutor. Should you have any troubles understanding and using reduced clauses, see the Extras section at the end of this unit. SB p. 88-89: Use of English and Vocabulary - word formation practice. Answer the questions in ex. 1 in pairs. In ex. 2, read the text quickly, ignoring the gaps and complete the comprehension task. Have a look at the tip box below, work individually and complete the word formation exercise by completing the text in ex. 3 with correct parts of speech of the words given. 21 unit 7 - Traces of the past | POINTS TO REMEMBER- WORD FORMATION Make sure that you check the completed text after completing the gaps, remembering that your answer should be grammatically correct and have the correct sense. The Vocabulary section on p. 89 also deals with word formation practice - it is advisable that you check some grammar and word building reference on prefixes and suffixes we use when forming new parts of speech, opposite adjectives or using prefixes to express particular relations between two words (e.g. contra-, under-, trans-, inter-, co-, etc.). Complete all the exercises on this page individually, making notes on the more difficult ones, compare your answers with a partner and remember to check them with a tutor who can answer all your questions and give you tips for further practice. You can also see the Extras section at the end of this unit. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 46: Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with off and in. WB p. 47: Grammar: reduced clauses, grammar extra: Suffixes. WB p. 49: Use of English: Part 3 - Word formation practice. 3.3 Writing practice SB p. 90-91: Writing: A proposal - work in pairs, look at the pictures and answer the questions in ex. 1. Individually, read the exam task in ex. 2, highlight the key words expressing the ideas you need to address in your proposal and circle the correct phrases you can use in a proposal in ex. 3 also saying what is wrong with the phrases you rejected. Read the model answer and answer the questions in ex. 4, justifying your answers with examples from the text. Read the tasks in ex. 5 and 6, have a look at the tip box below and write your proposal in 220-260 words in an appropriate style using correct grammar and spelling. For further writing practice, model answers and Phrase bank, turn to page 164 and check the tips and phrases there. POINTS TO REMEMBER- WRITING A PROPOSAL Read the task, highlight points you must include and then make a quick plan (you can find drawing yourself a mind map very useful when writing in particular form and on 22 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 particular topic). Check who will read the proposal and use the correct register. Use the correct format; most proposals will be divided into sections, with headings. Make your proposal interesting and persuade your reader to do what you want! COMPREHENSION CHECK Do the unit 7 review - SB p. 92, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To practise reduced clauses outside this course book, have a look at unit 14 Reduced relative clauses on page 176 in Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced. • To revise and practise word formation, prefixes and suffixes, have a look at units 86 and 87 in English Vocabulary in Use Advanced. • To revise and practise phrasal verbs, have a look at units 95 Brushing up on phrasal verbs in English Vocabulary in Use Advanced. UNIT 7 SUMMARY In this unit, you have practised your communicative skills when talking about periods of history, traces of the past and writing a proposal about important dates in our history. You have revised and practise reduced relative clauses, phrasal verbs with off and in and completed sentence completion listening and cross-text multiple matching reading. In the Use of English section, you have practised word formation and revised suffixes and prefixes when completing a word formation exercise. In the Speaking section, you have practised talking about important dates and event in our history, commenting on art, knowledge of the world, technology, buildings and important dates and a Part 2 speaking exercise concentrating on comparing two out of three pictures. 23 unit 7 - Traces of the past 24 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 4 UNIT 8-THE BIG ISSUES QUICK OVERVIEW In this unit, you are going to discuss the big issues that concern us in the 21st century -we will talk about privacy, the Internet, warfare, the ageing society, crime and terrorism, globalization, and the environment. The reading section brings an article about robots and the vocabulary section focuses on the big issues vocabulary. In the language sections, you will revise the system of English conditionals, practise multiple-choice cloze and learn expressions with end. The skills section brings multiple-choice listening and Part 3 and 4 speaking practice. In the Writing section, you will learn about a form and content of an informal letter or email. AIMS In the Lead in section, you are going to discuss the big issues that concern us in the 21st century and the vocabulary connected to this topic is further developed and practised in the Vocabulary section. Vocabulary is further developed and practised on p. 101 which brings a lecture on expression with end. In the reading section, you are going to read an article about robots called Mean machines? and complete a multiple choice reading comprehension. The Grammar section brings the overall revision and practice of English conditionals and the Use of English section focuses on multiple-choice cloze practice while reading an article called What is the meaning of life ? The skills section offers you the opportunity to practise multiple choice listening and Part 3 and 4 speaking. In the Writing section, you will learn about a form and content of an informal letter or email and practise writing one yourself. KEYWORDS Big issues of the 21st century, conditionals, expressions with end, multiple choice reading and listening, Part 3 and 4 speaking, an informal letter/email. 25 unit 8 - The big issues 4.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice SB p. 93: Lead in: The big issues - work in pairs, have a look at ex. 1 and discuss why the given issues should concern us in the 21st century, then complete ex. 2 individually, compare your answers with a partner and together, see the ex. 3, listen to three people talking about the issues in ex. 2 to check your own answers. Still in pairs, try to answer the question in ex. 4 on whether you share any of the view in ex. 3, giving your reasons. SB p. 94-95: Reading - Part 5 - work in pairs and discuss the questions in ex. 1. Work individually and complete the task in ex. 2, compare your answers with a partner. Individually, read the article called Mean machines? and discuss the questions in ex. 3 with your partner. Have a look at the tip box below, read the text again and complete the multiple choice reading task in ex. 4 POINTS TO REMEMBER- MULTIPLE CHOICE READING _ Before reading the options, see if you can answer the questions or complete the statements in your own words. After checking the correct answers with a tutor, work in pairs and discuss the questions in ex. 5 and share your opinion on whether we should or shouldn't use robots for any sorts of jobs. SB p. 98: Listening: Part 3 - multiple choice. Look at the advertisement in ex. 1 and discuss the questions with your partner. In ex. 2, you will listen to an interview with Tom Davies, who spent a year as a volunteer in Nepal and complete the multiple choice listening exercise. You will hear the story twice but before you listen, see the tip box below and remember that this type of listening comprehension tests your ability to understand detail, speaker feeling, attitude and opinion. POINTS TO REMEMBER- LISTENING PART3- MULTIPLE CHOICE _ Make sure all the information in the option you choose is correct, not just some of it. The options might seem similar to one another but it is always the detail you hear, e.g. speaker attitude, feeling or opinion which makes it the one possible correct answer. SB p. 99: Speaking - Part 3 and 4: complete all the tasks on this page with your partner as these types of speaking are about two-way interaction between either two candidates or two candidates and interlocutor. Complete the diagram in ex. 1 about possible questions from the examiner. Listen to the examiner's questions in ex. 2 and write it in 26 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 the middle of the diagram in ex. 1. Compare it to your assumptions. Where you right? Work in pairs and complete the Part 3 task in ex. 3, after two minutes, stop and compare your comments and ideas with those of another pair. Remember to see the tip box below. POINTS TO REMEMBER - SPEAKING - PARTS 3 AND 4 These parts test the ability to interact and exchange ideas, express opinions, agree or disagree, evaluate, and reach a decision by negotiation and also an ability to talk about wider issues and express and justify opinions on them. Try to avoid dominating the conversation; take turns to speak with your partner, if your partner gives you very few opportunities to speak, interrupt politely by saying, Fm sorry to interrupt, but... In ex. 4, listen to the instructions for the second part of the Part 3 and answer the question. Work in pairs and complete the tasks in ex. 4 and 5 and compare your answers with the whole class. In ex. 6, read the Part 4 questions, listen to six students and complete the tasks, compare your answers with a partner or tutor. Work in pairs, see the definition box below and discuss your own thought in ex. 7. PART 3 AND 4 - USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES At stake in the long run on the spur of the moment Short term out of the blue out of our control On the whole Ifeel (that)... It's generally the case (that)... I should think (that) the hardest/most challenging thing is... Would you agree with me on that? INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 50-51: Reading: Our times - multiple choice reading practice. WB p. 54: Listening: multiple choice listening practice. 27 unit 8 - The big issues 4.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p.96: Vocabulary: Big issues - work in pairs and answer the questions in ex. 1. Use a dictionary for completing the task in ex. 2, you can complete this task individually or in pairs, checking your answers with a tutor afterwards. SB p. 96-97: Grammar: Conditionals: read the Grammar reference on pgs. 178-179, paying attention to zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional, third conditional, formal forms of conditionals, alternatives to if and mixed conditionals. In ex. 1 match the sentences with descriptions, it is advisable that you complete this task with the whole class and discuss any problematic areas at the same time. Underline the correct verb forms in ex. 2, check your answers and explain the differences in meaning or function in ex. 3 with your partner. Work individually and complete the tasks in ex. 4, 5, 6 and 7, compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. Should you need more grammar practice in terms of using conditionals in English, see the Extras section at the end of this unit or talk to your tutor for some tips. SB p. 52-53: Use of English: Part 1 - multiple choice cloze - work with your partner and discuss the questions in ex. 1. Individually, read the text quickly and complete the task in ex. 2. See the tip box below and complete the multiple-choice cloze in ex. 3. In ex. 4, choose the best word to complete the sentence giving a reason for your choice. | V | POINTS TO REMEMBER - MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE Look for: • slight differences in meaning between A-D • words that look similar but have different meanings • fixed phrases and expressions • dependent prepositions. SB p. 101: Vocabulary: Expressions with end: complete the expressions in ex. 1 with end, work in pairs, use a dictionary and check all the completed expressions from ex. 1. Remember that expressions like those in ex. 1 can appear in dictionaries under the noun or the verb. Read the entry carefully to find them. In ex. 3, match the expressions from ex. 1 with their meanings. 28 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 52: Vocabulary: compound adjectives and negative adjectives practice. WB p. 53: Grammar: conditionals practice. WB p. 55: Use of English: multiple-choice cloze practice 4.3 Writing practice SB p. 102-103: Writing: An informal letter/email: work in pairs and discuss the issues in ex. 1. Read the exam task and the model email and answer the questions in ex. 2 with your partner. Find words and phrases in the model email and match them with their meaning in ex. 3, work in pairs or individually at home and complete the tasks in ex. 4 and 5, paying attention to planning your letter (you will generally need to write about four paragraphs for an email or letter, make sure you include ideas for a fully developed introduction and conclusion. In ex. 6, write your email in 220-260 word in an appropriate style, remember to have a look at the tip box below. POINTS TO REMEMBER - WRITING-AN INFORMAL LETTER/EMAIL Think carefully about how you phrase ideas. You need to demonstrate that you can use quite complex language at this level to get good marks. COMPREHENSION CHECK Do the unit 8 review - SB p. 104, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To practise conditionals, have a look at unit 15 in Oxford Grammar Practice Advanced. • To practise vocabulary connected to big issues of the 21st century, have a look at units 28, 39, 42 and 58 in English Vocabulary in Use Advanced. 29 unit 8 - The big issues UNIT 8 SUMMARY In this unit, you have developed your communicative skills when talking about the big issues that concern us in the 21st century, you have practised multiple choice listening and reading, you have developed your vocabulary connected to big issues and expressions with end. You have revised and practised the system of English conditionals and have written an informal email. - 30 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 LITERATURA Davies. P. and Falla, T. (2015). Cambridge English Advanced Result. Student's Book. Oxford: OUP. Stephens, M. and Gude, C. (2014). Cambridge English Advanced Result. Workbook. Oxford: OUP. Hewings, M. (2013). Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge: CUP. Yulle, G. (2008). Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced. Oxford: OUP. Turnbull, J.(ed. 2015). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Oxford: OUP. Wells, J. (2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Pearson Longman. McCarthy, M. and O'Dell, F.(2007). English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate. Cambridge: CUP. McCarthy, M. and O'Dell, F. (2017). English Vocabulary in Use Advanced. Cambridge: CUP. 31 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 SHRNUTÍ STUDIJNÍ OPORY Studijní opora k předmětu Praktická cvičení 5 vám přinesla podpůrný text k dalším čtyřem kapitolám učebnice Cambridge English Advanced Result Student's Book a Work book. Je přehledně členěna do čtyř základních kapitol, z nichž každá má tři hlavní části. Naleznete v nich v prvé řadě jakéhosi průvodce pro práci s učebnicí a pracovním sešitem a může svým způsobem nahrazovat přímou výuku v hodině a to i tím, že pracuje s množstvím distančních prvků, které pomáhají studentům se v tomto studijním textu lépe orientovat. Každá kapitola se shoduje s LMS kurzem na e-learningové platformě Moodle, který nabízí studentům možnost zopakovat si učivo samostatně nebo si procvičit gramatiku a slovní zásobu nad rámec této studijní opory. V rámci tohoto předmětu se předpokládá i účast studenta na různých případových studiích či projektech, které jsou k nalezení v LMS kurzu či s osobní přípravou studenta nad rámec hodinové dotace. 32 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 5 PŘEHLED DOSTUPNÝCH IKON Čas potřebný ke studiu E m LH Klíčová slova Průvodce studiem Rychlý náhled Tutoriály K zapamatování Řešená úloha *^*| Kontrolní otázka \\7\ Odpovědi Samostatný úkol Pro zájemce -^-1 Cíle kapitoly Nezapomeňte na odpočinek 1 Průvodce textem 2 I Shrnutí Dfl Definice Případová studie Věta Korespondenční úkol Otázky Další zdroje Úkol k zamyšlení Pozn. Tuto část dokumentu nedoporučujeme upravovat, aby byla zachována správná funkčnost vložených maker. Tento poslední oddíl může být zamknut v MS Word 2010 prostřednictvím menu Revize/Omezit úpravy. Takto je rovněž omezena možnost měnit například styly v dokumentu. Pro jejich úpravu nebo přidávání či odebírání je opět nutné omezení úprav zrušit. Zámek není chráněn heslem. 33 Název: Praktická cvičení 5 Autor: Mgr. Marie Machničová Vydavatel: Slezská univerzita v Opavě Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě Určeno: studentům SU FPF Opava Počet stran: 34 Tato publikace neprošla jazykovou úpravou.