EVROPSKÁ UNIE Evropské strukturální a investiční fondy Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ, MLADE2E A TĚLOVÝCHOVY Název projektu Rozvoj vzdělávání na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě Registrační číslo projektu CZ.02.2.69/0.0./0.0/16_015/0002400 Praktická cvičení 2 Distanční studijní text Mgr. Marie Machničová Opava 2019 SLEZSKA UNIVERZITA F1L0ZOFICKO-PŘÍRODOVĚDECKÁ FAKULTA V OPAVĚ 2 Obor: 0231 - Osvojování si jazyka Klíčová slova: Gramatika, slovní zásoba, poslech s porozuměním, čtení s porozuměním, psaní, mluvení, jazykové kompetence, jazykové dovednosti. Anotace: Studijní opora Praktická cvičení 2 obsahuje distanční studijní text pro předměty Praktická cvičení 2. Tento předmět spadá do skupiny povinných předmětů studijního oboru Angličtina pro odbornou praxi. Praktická cvičení 2 jsou zaměřena na systematický a všestranný rozvoj jazykových kompetencí a na praktickou aplikaci komunikativních dovedností pro středně pokročilé mluvčí anglického jazyka (úroveň B2 Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky). Studenti si ve cvičeních upevní a prohloubí znalost anglické gramatiky, rozšíří si slovní zásobu a procvičí si výslovnost. Důraz bude kladen jak na receptivní dovednosti - poslech a čtení s porozuměním, tak na produktivní dovednosti - mluvení a psaní. Praktická cvičení 2 jsou založena na lekcích 5 - 8 z učebnice Cambridge English First Result Student's Book a Cambridge English First Re-sult Workbook. Kromě látky z učebnice a pracovního sešitu jsou studentům také poskytnuty externí webové odkazy, prověřená online cvičení z webové stránky Oxford University Press Cambridge English: First Online Practice. Tato studijní opora je rozdělena do čtyř hlavních kapitol, které korespondují se čtyřmi kapitolami učebnice a pracovního sešitu a jsou probrány v rámci 13 výukových týdnů jednoho semestru. Autor: Mgr. Marie Machnicovä Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 Contents ÚVODEM............................................................................................................................6 RYCHLÝ NÁHLED STUDIJNÍ OPORY...........................................................................7 1 UNIT 5 - REAL OR FAKE?.......................................................................................8 1.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice............................................................8 1.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice..............................................9 1.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................10 2 UNIT 6 - JOURNEYS...............................................................................................12 2.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice..........................................................12 2.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice............................................13 2.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................14 3 UNIT 7 - I GET THE MESSAGE............................................................................16 3.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice..........................................................16 3.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice............................................17 3.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................18 4 UNIT 8 - A MATTER OF TASTE...........................................................................20 4.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice..........................................................20 4.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice............................................22 4.3 Writing practice...................................................................................................23 PŘEHLED DOSTUPNÝCH IKON...................................................................................25 LITERATURA..................................................................................................................26 SHRNUTÍ STUDIJNÍ OPORY.........................................................................................27 5 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 ÚVODEM Tato studijní opora se skládá z distančního textu a LMS kurzu a je nedílnou součástí kurzu Praktická cvičení 2. Požadovaná úroveň pro absolvování tohoto kurzu je B2 dle Evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky. Studenti, kteří se rozhodnou tento kurz absolvovat by měli mít komunikační dovednosti na úrovni B2, stejně tak jako dobré znalosti gramatiky, slovní zásoby a jazykových dovedností, které tuto úroveň charakterizují. Studenti mohou tuto studijní oporu využít během kurzu Praktická cvičení 2 jako podpůrný text, nebo jako distanční text, který nahrazuje přímou výuku v hodinách. LMS kurz na e-learningové platformě Moodle nabízí studentům rozšiřující gramatická cvičení a aktivity pro rozvoj jazykových dovedností a obsahují také test s klíčem, který slouží jako opakování a zpětná vazba studentům. Tato studijní opora je tvořena čtyřmi kapitolami, které se shodují se čtyřmi kapitolami učebnice Cambridge English First Result Student's Book a Workbook. Každá kapitola je pak rozdělena do třech tematických celků, využívá velké množství distančních prvků (rychlý náhled, hlavní text kapitoly, klíčová slova, kontrolní otázka, odpověď, samostatný úkol, body k zapamatování, definice, zpětná vazba, domácí úkol, případové studie, atd.) a obsahuje odkazy na další rozšiřující studium, na online cvičení a doporučenou literaturu k dalšímu studiu anglického jazyka na této úrovni. 6 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 RYCHLÝ NÁHLED STUDIJNÍ OPORY Předmět je zaměřen na systematický a všestranný rozvoj jazykové kompetence a na praktickou aplikaci komunikativních dovednosti pro středně pokročilé mluvčí angličtiny (úroveň B2 Společného evropského referenčního rámce). Studenti si ve cvičeních upevní a prohloubí znalost anglické gramatiky, rozšíří slovní zásobu a procvičí výslovnost. Důraz bude kladen na poslech a mluvení. Hodiny budou založeny na lekcích 5-8 učebnice Cambridge English First Result. Sylabus: 1. Unit 5: Lead in. Reading: multiple matching. Vocabulary: verbs connected with speech. 2. Unit 5: Grammar: reported speech. Listening: multiple choice. Speaking. 3. Unit 5: Use of English: word formation. Vocabulary: idioms connected with speech. Writing: an essay. 4. Unit 6: Lead in. Reading: multiple choice. Vocabulary: travel. 5. Unit 6: Grammar: modal verbs for advice, ability, prohibition and obligation. Listening: multiple choice. Speaking. 6. Unit 6: Use of English: key word transformations. Vocabulary: idioms with come and go. Writing: an informal e-mail. 7. Unit 7: Lead in. Reading: multiple matching. Vocabulary: the verb get. 8. Unit 7: Grammar: passives. Listening: multiple matching. Speaking. 9. Unit 7: Use of English: multiple-choice cloze. Vocabulary: phrasal verbs. Writing: an informal e-mail. 10. Unit 8: Lead in. Reading: gapped text. Vocabulary: food. 11. Unit 8: Grammar: speculating about the present and past. Listening: multiple matching. Speaking. 12. Unit 8: Use of English: word formation. Vocabulary: word pairs. Writing: a report. 13. Revise and check 5-8. Povinná literatura: • Davies, P. and Falla, T. (2015). Cambridge English First Result: Student's Book. Oxford: OUP. • Davies, P. and Falla, T. (2014). Cambridge English First Result: Workbook. Oxford: OUP. Doporučená literatura: • Eeastwood, J. (2008). Oxford Practice Grammar Intermediate. Oxford: OUP • Muprhy, R. (2012). English Grammar in Use Intermediate. 4th ed. Cambridge: CUP. 7 UNIT 5-Real or fake? 1 UNIT 5 - REAL OR FAKE? QUICK OVERVIEW Unit 5 is called Real or fake ? and you will have an opportunity to develop your communicative skills connected to topics such as impostors, honesty and real and fake things. You will practise verbs and idioms connected to speech and revise reported speech. You will learn how to write a report. AIMS In the Lead in section of Unit 5, you will practise talking about real and fake things and do the quiz on how honest you are. In Reading section, you will read an article called Impostors and complete the multiple matching reading comprehension. In the Grammar section, you will revise and practise reported speech. In the Vocabulary section, you will learn new verbs and idioms connected with speech and in the Use of English; you will practise word formation exercise. In the Writing section, you will learn about the form and content of a report. KEY WORDS Real or fake, impostors, reported speech, idioms connected with speech, report, word formation . 1.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice SB p. 57: Lead in: work in pairs and discuss the vocabulary, then do the quiz individually and afterwards, compare your answers with a partner. p. 58-59: Reading: Impostors. Read the article on most famous impostors and complete the multiple matching reading comprehension exercise, paying attention to words with similar meanings. SB p. 62-63: Listening and Speaking: listen to a radio programme about changing identities and complete the multiple choice listening exercise. Then, work in pairs and 8 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 answer the questions in the speaking section, paying attention to the phrases in the phrase bank which give you tips on allowing yourself time to think and introducing your answer. POINTS TO REMEMBER- LISTENING- MULTIPLE CHOICE • You will have one minute to look at the questions. Read as much as you can in that time • As you listen for the first time, mark the options that you think are correct • Use the second listening to check your answers POINTS TO REMEMBER- SPEAKING - PART 1 In the exam, because you will not know what questions you are going to be asked, you may need to give yourself time to think before answering. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 30-31: Reading: Is there anybody out there? Read the text and do the multiple matching reading exercise. WB p. 34: Listening: listen to the interview and complete the multiple choice listening exercise. 1.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p. 60: Vocabulary: complete the tasks on verbs connected with speech, compare your answers with your partner and then check the correct answers with a tutor. SB p. 60-61: Grammar: Reported speech: read the Grammar Reference on p. 168 and complete the tasks, paying attention to the grammatical rules, in case of any questions, refer to the Grammar reference and/or check your answers with a tutor, make sure that you understand all the rules of reported and direct speech phenomenon, if not, see the Grammar extra section at the end of this unit. SB p. 64: Use of English: read the table with negative prefixes first and then complete the word formation exercise. 9 UNIT 5-Real or fake? POINTS TO REMEMBER- WORD FORMATION Read the text once, ignoring the gaps, to find out what it is about. Look at the context of each missing word and work out what part of speech is must be. Find a word related to the base word which is the correct part of speech. Read your completed text to check that it makes sense. SB p. 65: Vocabulary: match the expressions with their definitions to form, learn and practise idioms connected with speech. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 32: Vocabulary: Expressing probability WB p. 33: Grammar: reported speech practice WB p. 35: Use of English: word formation practice 1.3 Writing practice In this part of this unit, your will learn how to write a report. Have a look at an example of the report in SB on p. 66-67; complete the exercises, paying attention to the words in ex. 1 and phrases in ex. 4 and main ex. 5 on Introducing recommendations. Read tip box below and using language appropriate to the context, write your report, paying attention to the form, style, structure, grammar and spelling. POINTS TO REMEMBER- WRITING A REPORT Divide your review into sections: an introduction which clearly states the purpose of the report. A main body (with subheadings if necessary) which contains the information required for the task. And finally, a conclusion which gives your overall opinion and / or recommendation (if the task requires). Make sure your report directly addresses every point in the task. Write between 140 and 190 words. 10 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 EXTRAS - WRITING A REPORT SB p. 161: A report. Pay attention to the Phrase Bank and try to use as many useful phrases in you writing task as possible, paying attention to the register, spelling and grammar of your report. Use fairly formal language and express opinions impersonally. COMPREHENSION CHECK Do the unit 5 review - SB p. 68, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To practise direct and indirect speech, have a look at units 47 and 48 in English Grammar in Use Intermediate. • To practise idioms connected to speech, have a look at unit 82 in English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate. UNIT5 - SUMMARY In unit 5, you practised multiple matching reading comprehension exercise, learned new verbs and idioms connected to speech, and practised speaking about how honest and "real" you are. You revised reported speech and direct speech phenomena and practised word formation exercise and writing a report. You also developed your listening skills when doing the multiple-choice listening comprehension and practised some phrases which allow you more time to think and help you introduce your answers in an oral exam -Part 1. 11 UNIT 6 - Journeys 2 UNIT 6-JOURNEYS QUICK OVERVIEW Unit 6 called Journeys is about travelling and speaking and writing about it. The article is called Coast to coast and is about different travellers. The grammatical section will give you an overview on expressing modality: advice, ability, prohibition and obligation. This unit will also give you an opportunity to develop your communicative skills when practising Part 3 and 4 of speaking exam and writing an essay about your travels. AIMS In unit 6, you will practise speaking about different ways of travelling and expressing your opinion on taking different holidays. In the article called Coast to coast, you will practise multiple choice reading exercise. You will improve your language skills when doing the Part 1 - multiple choice listening exercise and Parts 3 and 4 - speaking about three photographs and discussing holidays, travelling, visiting exotic places and excursions abroad. In the Grammar section, you will revise and practise modality, namely modal verbs connected to expressing advice, ability, probability and obligation. Vocabulary wise, you will learn and enlarge your knowledge of words connected to travelling and idioms with come and go. In the Use of English section, you will practise key word transformation and in the Writing part, you will learn about the form and content of an essay. KEY WORDS Travelling, holidays, key word transformation, modality, modal verbs, idioms with come and go, an essay. 2.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice SB p. 69: Lead in: discuss the ways of travelling and holidays in different countries with your partner. 12 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 SB p. 70-71: Reading: Coast to coast, read the article and complete the multiple choice reading comprehension exercise, paying attention to adjectives and their meaning. Compare your answers with your partner and check them with a tutor. SB p. 74: Listening: discuss the travel problems with a partner, listen to people talking in 8 different situations and complete the multiple choice listening exercise. Check your answers in pairs and with a tutor. SB p. 75: Speaking: listen to five short dialogues about trips and excursions and match the photos with useful phrases. Work in pairs and complete the speaking tasks, paying attention to ex.4 where you will practise discussing Speaking Part 4 of the exam. POINTS TO REMEMBER Remember that in the exam there are eight unrelated texts. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 36-37: Reading: Last chance to see the world: multiple choice reading exercise. WB p. 40: Listening: multiple choice listening exercise. 2.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p. 72-73: Grammar: Modal verbs: advice, ability, prohibition and obligation, read the Grammar reference on p. 169-170, paying attention to the rules and example sentences when expressing modality in English. Discuss the examples in ex. 1 and answer questions in ex. 2. Work in pairs and complete ex. 3 when you listen to your partner's problems and try to give advice using a variety of modal verbs. See the tip below and complete all the tasks, then compare your answers with your partner and check the correct answers with a tutor. POINTS TO REMEMBER - GRAMMAR We only use could to talk about general ability in the past, or with verbs of perception (see, hear, etc.). We don't use it for a single action; we normally use managed to. SB p. 72 and 77: Vocabulary: complete the tasks on vocabulary connected to travel, paying attention to verb phrases. Then in the second vocabulary section of this unit, complete the correct verbs to form idioms with come and go. Compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. 13 UNIT 6 - Journeys SB p. 76: Use of English: Key word transformation: complete a gapped sentences with two to five words, including a key word, so that it has the same meaning as the lead-in sentences. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 38: Vocabulary: Vehicles WB p. 39: Grammar: modal verbs + grammar extra: modal verbs: permission and requests. WB p. 41: Use of English: key word transformation practice. 2.3 Writing practice SB p. 78: Writing: An essay - you learn about the form and content of an essay, practising your ability to outline and discuss issues on a particular topic. Read the example essay and see the phrases in the language box Introducing facts and opinions. Then, write an essay in answer to the task in ex. 3. Use ideas and language from ex. 3, 4, 5 and 6. XTRAS - WRITING AN ESSA Y SB p. 156: Writing: An essay, read the instructions, pay attention to the Phrase Bank and complete the writing task. COMPREHENSION CHECK Do the unit 6 review - SB p. 80, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To practise modality and modal verbs, have a look at units 26-37 in English Grammar in Use Intermediate. • To practise vocabulary connected to travelling and holidays, have a look at units 49 and 50 in English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate. 14 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 UNIT 6 SUMMARY In unit 6, you have read an article on travelling, developed your communicative skills when discussing and writing about holidays, travelling, visiting foreign countries. You have revised modal verbs connected to advice, ability, probability and obligation and learned new vocabulary connected to travelling and idioms with come and go. COMPREHENSION CHECK- REVIEW UNITS 4 - 6 WB p. 42-43: Do the review of units 4 - 6 of this book. Mind you, unit 4 was the last unit in Practical Language 1 course in the previous semester, so take it as an opportunity to revise and connect this Practical Language course to the previous one. The key to the review units 4-6 will be given to you by your tutor. 15 unit 7 1 get the message 3 UNIT 7 - I GET THE MESSAGE QUICK OVERVIEW In unit 7 called / get the message, you will develop your communication skills when speaking about different forms of communication and listen to people talking about misunderstandings. You will practise phrases conveying emotions, discuss advantages and disadvantages of doing a language course in an English-speaking country. You will revise the system of passives in English and practise multiple-choice cloze exercise. AIMS Unit 7 is all about messages. In Lead in, you will speak about different ways of communication and in the article called Rescue!, you will read about sending emergency signals and practise multiple matching reading exercise. In the Grammar section, you will revise the system of passives in English. The Use of English sections focuses on phrasal verbs with get and multiple-choice cloze. Further on, you will practise multiple-matching listening comprehension and Part 3 and 4 in the Speaking section deals with picture description and comparison. The Writing section deals with a form and content of a review. KEY WORDS Different ways of communication, passives, phrasal verbs with get, multiple-choice cloze, a review. 3.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice SB p. 81: Lead in: work in pairs and discuss the ways of communication you see in the pictures, using as many words given as possible. Then listen to other students in your group and compare your answers. Change partners and discuss the questions in ex. 2. SB p. 82-83: Reading: Rescue! See the pictures in ex. 1 and discuss how they might help you when you get lost and need to signal for help. Then work individually, read the 16 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 text carefully and complete the multiple matching reading comprehension exercise. Compare your answers with your partner and check the correct answers with a tutor. SB p. 86: Listening: listen to five people talking about misunderstandings and individually match the speakers with misunderstandings and complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb. Compare your answers with your partner and check them with a tutor. Finally, tell each other about a misunderstanding that you have been involved in, use phrases in the last exercise to help you. SB P. 87: Speaking - Part 3 and 4: work in pairs and discuss questions in ex. 1 and 2, using the pictures as prompts for your final decision. Then listen to a dialogue about posters and connect the phrases halves in ex. 4. Again, work in pairs and complete the tasks in ex. 5, 6. In ex. 7, work in groups of three, see the how to do it box below and present a role-play between an examiner and two candidates in front of the whole class. POINTS TO REMEMBER - SPEAKING PARTS 3 AND 4 Listen to the examiners questions carefully. Ask for repetition if necessary and give a full, confident answer. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 44-45: Reading: Pioneers - multiple matching reading practice. WB p. 48: Listening: multiple matching listening practice. 3.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p. 84: Vocabulary: work in pairs and complete the exercises on phrasal verbs with get. See the tip box below. POINTS TO REMEMBER - GRAMMAR Get is a very common verb, especially in spoken English. It has a number of meanings and is used with prepositions and particles to form many phrasal verbs. SB p. 84-85: Grammar: Passives - read the Grammar reference section on p. 170-171 on rules, explanation and example sentences in the system of English passives, specifical- 17 unit 7 1 get the message ly paying attention to use, tenses, verbs with two objects, passive with the verbs know, believe, think, etc. and passive infinitive and -ing form. SB p. 88: Use of English: rewrite sentences using the correct form of phrasal verbs, complete the multiple-choice cloze and then compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. SB p. 89: Vocabulary: Complete all the tasks on more phrasal verbs, paying attention to the difference between using phrasal verbs and their full verbs equivalent in more formal registers. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 46: Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs and verbs expressing body movements. WB p. 47: Grammar: Passives WB p. 49: Use of English: multiple-choice cloze 3.3 Writing practice SB p. 90-100: Writing a review: work in pairs and discuss the questions in ex. 1,2 and 3 where you are also asked to read a website review and answer the questions. Individually or again with your partner, complete the sentences in ex. 4 and discuss the questions in ex. 5. Read the how to do it box below and in ex. 7, read the exam task and write a review, including language from this section. POINTS TO REMEMBER - WRITING A WEBSITE REVIEW Divide your review into four paragraphs: 1. general information about the website 2. a description of the website's appearance 3. comments on ease of use (speed, navigation, etc.) 4. discussion of features (i.e. what the website offers users) and your overall judgement 18 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 EXTRAS- WRITING A REVIEW SB p. 159: Part 2 - A review: read the example review paying your main attention to the Phrase Bank. COMPREHENSION CHECK Do the unit 7 review - SB p. 92, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To practise passives in English, have a look at units 42-46 in English Grammar in Use Intermediate. • To practise phrasal verbs with get, have a look at unit 87 in English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate. UNIT 7 SUMMARY In this unit you have developed your communicative skill when speaking and writing about different ways of communication. You practised a multiple matching reading and listening comprehension exercises, revised phrasal verbs with get and other phrasal verbs. You have revised the system of English passives and finally, you have also learned about the form and content of a review. 19 unit 8-A matter of taste 4 UNIT 8- A MATTER OF TASTE QUICK OVERVIEW In unit 8, you are going to improve your communicative skills when discussing national cuisines and comparing pictures with different types of restaurants. You will revise and learn new vocabulary connected to food and verbs denoting various cooking methods. You will listen to people talking about their dining-out experiences and revise modal verbs to speculate about the present and the past. AIMS In the Lead in section, you listen to people describing a dish from their country and speak about national dish of your country and what food do you enjoy eating or cooking. You will practise the gapped text reading comprehension exercise when reading the article called The Great Taste Sensation. The vocabulary connected to food will be further practised in the Vocabulary section and in the homework from Unit 8 in the Workbook. In the Grammar section, you will revise modal verbs and practise speculating about the present and the past. In the Use of English section, you will practise adjective suffixes and a word formation exercise. The Vocabulary section focuses word pairs with conjunctions and and or. Further on, you will develop your listening skills when completing multiple matching listening exercise and concentrate on picture description and comparison when completing Part 3 and 4 of the Speaking exam. In the Writing section, you will learn about the form and content of a report. KEY WORDS International cuisine, food, word pairs, speculating about the present and the past, adjective suffixes, word formation, a report. 4.1 Speaking, Reading and Listening practice SB p. 92: Lead in: listen to five people describing how to make a dish from their country, then, work in pairs and complete tasks in ex. 2 when you are supposed to recommend 20 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 a dish from your country to a foreigner and in ex. 3 when you will discuss the questions with your partner and share your opinion with the whole class. SB p. 46-47: Reading: The Great Taste Sensation, read the text and complete the gapped text exercise, paying attention to the how to do it box below. In ex. 4, work in pairs or as a whole class, discuss the question in the final sentence of the text, giving reasons. POINTS TO REMEMBER- READING- GAPPED TEXT Read the text quickly to get the general idea. Look for links with grammar and vocabulary before and after each gap and in the sentences. Fill the easiest gaps first. Try the extra sentence in each gap again. Read the text again, checking your answer with a partner and/or a tutor. SB p. 98: Listening: in ex. 1 work in pairs and tell each other about the last time you ate out. Then read the how to do it box below, listen to five people talking about a problem they had when eating out and complete the multiple matching listening in ex. 2. Compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. In ex. 3 tell a partner about any bad experiences you've had when eating out. POINTS TO REMEMBER- MULTIPLE MATCHING LISTENING Before you listen, read options A-H carefully. As you listen, answer as many of the questions as you can. When you listen again, concentrate on the answers you are least certain of. SB p. 99: Speaking - Parts 3 and 4: word in pairs, compare the photographs and complete tasks in ex. 1 and 2, then individually, listen to two people discussing where to eat and answer the questions in pairs in ex. 3 and 4, and afterwards, discuss tasks and questions with you partner in ex. 5 and 6. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 50: Reading: Extreme dining - a gapped text reading practice WB p. 54: Listening: a multiple matching listening practice. 21 unit 8-A matter of taste 4.2 Grammar, Vocabulary and Use of English practice SB p. 96: Vocabulary: Food - work in pairs and complete all the tasks on this page dealing with vocabulary connected to food. Check your answers with a tutor. SB p. 101: Vocabulary: Word pairs - read the reference in the table, work in pairs and discuss tasks in ex 1-3. Then, work individually and rewrite the sentences in ex. 4. Compare your answers with a partner and check them with a tutor. SB p. 96-:97 Grammar: Speculating about the present and the past. Read the Grammar reference on p. 170 and complete all the task on this double page. In case of any questions, discuss the tasks with your partner and check your answers with a tutor and/or the rest of the class, paying attention to the correct usage of tenses when speculating: must, may/might, can't, must have, can't have, may have, might have, could have + past participle. Should you need more practice, see the homework below or the extra grammar practice box at the end of this unit. SB. p. 100: Use of English: Word formation: see the reference below and complete the tasks on this page, then compare answers in pairs and/or with a tutor. ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES We can add suffixes to nouns or verbs to make them into adjectives. Sometimes the spelling changes. -y: chew - chewy -ous: mystery - mysterious -al: music - musical -ful: hope - hopeful -able: rely - reliable -less: use - useless We can often use different suffixes with the same word to create adjectives with different meanings: taste: tasty = delicious, tasteful = attractive, tasteless = without taste, inappropriate INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT WB p. 52: Vocabulary: Word pairs WB p. 53: Grammar: Speculating about the present and past; Grammar Extra: so, such WB p. 55: Use of English: Part 3 - word formation 22 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 4.3 Writing practice SB p. 102 - 103: Writing a report - read through the tasks and write your report, paying attention to the form and content, grammar and spelling and how you outline your report - see the how to do it box below. POINTS TO REMEMBER- WRITING A REPORT Use headings and numbered or bullet points and try to use synonyms rather than repeat words. EXTRAS WRITING A REPORT SB p. 161: Writing - Part 2 - A report: see the task, read the example report, organize your information into sections, use headings, numbers or bullet points. Write your report in 140-190 words, paying attention to the Phrase Bank containing phrases for introduction, discussing pros and cons and giving a recommendation. COMPREHENSION CHECK Complete the review in SB p. 104, the key will be given to you by a tutor. EXTRAS • To practise speculating about the past, revise the modals in units 26-37 in English Grammar in Use Intermediate. • To practise vocabulary connected to food and restaurants, have a look at unit 43 in English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate. UNIT 8 SUMMARY In this unit, by practising gapped text reading and multiple matching listening, you have developed your language skills connected to speaking and reading about food, eating out, good or bad experiences when eating out and restaurants. You have revised and practised speculating about the present and past. You have learned new words connected 23 unit 8 -A matter of taste to food and eating out and practised forming new parts of speech using adjective suffixes. You have learned the form and content of a report and practised writing one. 24 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 PŘEHLED DOSTUPNÝCH IKON Čas potřebný ke studiu □ m 0 Klíčová slova Průvodce studiem I Rychlý náhled Tutoriály K zapamatování Řešená úloha *^*| Kontrolní otázka Odpovědi Samostatný úkol Pro zájemce Cíle kapitoly (ír m ES Nezapomeňte na odpočinek 1 Průvodce textem 2 I Shrnutí Dfl Definice Ol Případová studie Věta Korespondenční úkol Otázky Další zdroje Úkol k zamyšlení Pozn. Tuto část dokumentu nedoporučujeme upravovat, aby byla zachována správná funkčnost vložených maker. Tento poslední oddíl může být zamknut v MS Word 2010 prostřednictvím menu Revize/Omezit úpravy. Takto je rovněž omezena možnost měnit například styly v dokumentu. Pro jejich úpravu nebo přidávání či odebírání je opět nutné omezení úprav zrušit. Zámek není chráněn heslem. 25 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 LITERATURA Davies, P. and Falla, T. (2015). Cambridge English First Result: Student's Book. Oxford: OUP. Davies, P. and Falla, T. (2014). Cambridge English First Result: Workbook. Oxford: OUP. Eeastwood, J. (2008). Oxford Practice Grammar Intermediate. Oxford: OUP Muprhy, R. (2012). English Grammar in Use Intermediate. 4th ed. Cambridge: CUP. 26 Mgr. Marie Machničová - Praktická cvičení 2 SHRNUTÍ STUDIJNÍ OPORY Studijní opora k předmětu Praktická cvičení 2 vám přinesla podpůrný text ke čtyřem kapitolám učebnice Cambridge English First Result Student's Book a Workbook. Je přehledně členěna do čtyř základních kapitol, z nichž každá má tři hlavní části. Naleznete v nich v prvé řadě jakéhosi průvodce pro práci s učebnicí a pracovním sešitem a může svým způsobem nahrazovat přímou výuku v hodině a to i tím, že pracuje s množstvím distančních prvků, které pomáhají studentům se v tomto studijním textu lépe orientovat. Každá kapitola se shoduje s LMS kurzem na e-learningové platformě Moodle, který nabízí studentům možnost zopakovat si učivo samostatně nebo si procvičit gramatiku a slovní zásobu nad rámec této studijní opory. V rámci tohoto předmětu se předpokládá i účast studenta na různých případových studiích či projektech, které jsou k nalezení v LMS kurzu či s osobní přípravou studenta nad rámec hodinové dotace. 27 Název: Autor: Vydavatel: Určeno: Počet stran: Praktická cvičení 2 Mgr. Marie Machničová Slezská univerzita v Opavě Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě studentům SU FPF Opava Tato publikace neprošla jazykovou úpravou.